Det er påkrævet, at du allerede ejer Railway Empire 2 på Steam for at kunne bruge Railway Empire 2 - Bella Italia.
Det er påkrævet, at du allerede ejer Railway Empire 2 på Steam for at kunne bruge Railway Empire 2 - Bella Italia.
Ciao Bella: From the snow-capped Alps in the north, along the Apennine Mountains, to the sun-soaked Gulf of Taranto, Railway Empire 2 – Bella Italia offers beautiful landscapes and spirited challenges. Uniquely Italian locomotives allow you to steam through any mission, be it economical or more… familial in nature, as you expand your railroad network set against the majestic backdrop of the Colosseum and ancient aqueducts.
Start your railway business in Rome and the Papal State, where waves of tourists await seamless connections to see the wonders of Antiquity. Down south, a different kind of challenge awaits as you discover the many branches of La Famiglia – and work to make yourself a name among them. Meanwhile, the north desperately needs help after a devastating war, with new railways required to fuel its financial recovery.
Bella Italia: With the new Railway Empire 2 DLC, players experience the beauty of Rome, the Tuscan and Umbrian landscape, the relentless sun of Sicily and the magnificence of Milano, tackling various challenges from financial crises to ‘creative’ ways to avoid them.
Classic Chique: Choose from 8 new locomotives such as Mastodonte dei Giovi and Signorine FS Class 640 II.
Rome, Naples and Milano: The DLC introduces 3 comprehensive, fully voiced scenarios with varied approaches: “Bella Roma” (starting in 1850s), “Per la Famiglia” (starting 1870s) and “Milano Magnifico” (1880s).
Buckle down: Explore the Italian countryside on one vast map of all Italy or two highly detailed maps covering northern and southern Italy.
Gourmet Heaven: Transport 22 new regional products from pasta and grappa to the rare white marble.
Dolce Vita: 19 new jingles and tracks will transport you right into the sweet life in Italy.
Hvordan virker det? Modtager jeg Railway Empire 2 - Bella Italia fysisk?
Nej, du modtager en Railway Empire 2 - Bella Italia produktnøgle (Railway Empire 2 - Bella Italia CD Key), som du modtager via e-mail. Du skal derefter bruge Steam-platformen til at indløse din Railway Empire 2 - Bella Italia produktnøgle (Railway Empire 2 - Bella Italia CD Key), og du er derefter klar til downloade, installere og spille Railway Empire 2 - Bella Italia. Ved køb af spillet, modtager du samtidig en vejledning til hvordan dette gøres, hvis du skulle være i tvivl. Så bliver det ikke nemmere!
Railway Empire 2 – Bella Italia offers spirited challenges from the Alps to the Gulf of Taranto. Establish new connections to bring tourists to the antique wonders of Rome and the Papal State, make yourself a name among La Famiglia in the south, and help the north recoup from a devastating war.
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