Det er påkrævet, at du allerede ejer Stellaris: Standard Edition på Steam for at kunne bruge Stellaris: Season 09.
Det er påkrævet, at du allerede ejer Stellaris: Standard Edition på Steam for at kunne bruge Stellaris: Season 09.
Unlock the future of your empire with every Stellaris release for 2025!
The Stellaris: Season 09 Expansion Pass is your gateway to an entire year of cosmic evolution, psionic mysteries, and apocalyptic infernos. With instant access to the exclusive Stargazer Species Portrait, this expansion pass delivers three major content packs that will redefine the Biological and Psionic Ascensions and the most ambitious species pack so far!
Purchasing the Expansion Pass grants access to all four DLCs as soon as they become available.
Included in this Expansion Pass:
Stargazer Species Portrait (Day 1 Unlock)
Dream of the stars with this exclusive portrait, available immediately upon purchasing Stellaris: Season 09. Featuring three phenotypes and unique animations, the Stargazer Species Portrait is perfect for players who seek to embody the spirit of cosmic curiosity.
This exclusive portrait comes with Season 09 for Stellaris, allowing you to dream big about the stars as you explore the galaxy. Like every Stellaris Species Portrait, it comes with three variants (phenotypes) and custom animations. Players can select this portrait in the empire creation skin before starting a new game session.
BioGenesis (Releases Q2 2025)
Take command of the forces of life itself in Stellaris: BioGenesis. Engineer living ships, terraform entire ecosystems, and wield advanced genetic tools to shape the destiny of your empire. Will you create a utopia of adaptation and growth or weaponize biology to dominate the stars?
Shadows of the Shroud (Releases Q3 2025)
The psionic plane holds untold power—but at what cost? Shadows of the Shroud is a complete overhaul of the Psionic Ascension path, introducing new moral dilemmas, patron allegiances, and the ever-present temptation of ultimate destruction.
Infernals Species Pack (Releases Q4 2025)
Forge your destiny in the Stellaris: Infernals Species Pack. Adapted to relentless heat and volatile landscapes, you wield the power of extreme environments to reshape the galaxy. Will your empire thrive in the heat, or be consumed by the very forces it seeks to command?
About This Content
With Stellaris: Season 09, the future of the galaxy is in your hands. Whether you master genetics, uncover the secrets of the Shroud, or command the flames of the Infernal species, this expansion pass delivers a year of unprecedented depth and galactic storytelling.
Hvordan virker det? Modtager jeg Stellaris: Season 09 fysisk?
Nej, du modtager en Stellaris: Season 09 produktnøgle (Stellaris: Season 09 CD Key), som du modtager via e-mail. Du skal derefter bruge Steam-platformen til at indløse din Stellaris: Season 09 produktnøgle (Stellaris: Season 09 CD Key), og du er derefter klar til downloade, installere og spille Stellaris: Season 09. Ved køb af spillet, modtager du samtidig en vejledning til hvordan dette gøres, hvis du skulle være i tvivl. Så bliver det ikke nemmere!
The Stellaris: Season 09 Expansion Pass is your gateway to an entire year of cosmic evolution, psionic mysteries, and apocalyptic infernos. With instant access to an exclusive portrait, this expansion pass delivers three major DLCs for the game.
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