Cities: Skylines is a modern take on the classic city simulation. The game introduces new game play elements to realize the thrill and hardships of creating and maintaining a real city whilst expanding on some well-established tropes of the city building experience. You’re only limited by your imagination, so take control and reach for the sky!
Constructing your city from the ground up is easy to learn, but hard to master. Playing as the mayor of your city you’ll be faced with balancing essential requirements such as education, water electricity, police, fire fighting, healthcare and much more along with your citys real economy system. Citizens within your city react fluidly, with gravitas and with an air of authenticity to a multitude of game play scenarios.
Colossal Order's extensive experience developing the Cities in Motion series is fully utilized in a fully fleshed out and well-crafted local traffic simulation.
Be more than just an administrator from city hall. Designating parts of your city as a district results in the application of policies which results in you rising to the status of Mayor for your own city.
The city changes during the hours of the day and affects citizen schedules. Traffic is visibly slower at night and some zoned areas do not work with full efficiency. Cities: Skylines will put you in control of managing the different aspects of the day and night cycles.
Build or improve on existing maps and structures. You can then import your creations into the game, share them as well as download the creations of other city builders on the Steam workshop.
© 2015-2018 and published by Paradox Interactive AB, CITIES: SKYLINES and PARADOX INTERACTIVE are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB in Europe, the U.S., and other countries. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
How does it work? Will I receive Cities: Skylines as a physical copy?
No, you will receive Cities: Skylines product key (Cities: Skylines CD Key), that you will receive by e-mail. Afterwards, you will need to use the Steam-platform to redeem your Cities: Skylines product key (Cities: Skylines CD Key), and you'll be ready to download, install and play Cities: Skylines. You will receive a step-by-step guide on how to do this along with your purchase. It's easy as can be!
Cities: Skylines is a modern take on the classic city simulation. The game introduces new game play elements to realize the thrill and hardships of creating and maintaining a real city whilst expanding on some well-established tropes of the city building experience.
Super fedt spil kan spilles hvor som helst Kan anbefales til alle og så er det billigt.
Hvis man er i tvivl så køb det jeg blev selv positivt overasket.
Dette spil er meget detaljeret og flot, der er mange udfordringer, nogle af dem kan være svære at brunge, så det kræver, at man spiller det nogle gange for at få fat i detaljerne, men det gennemgående et et rigtig godt spil, som jeg roligt kan anbefale.
Cities: Skylines er fedt at spille efter min enorme skuffelse over det seneste Sim City spil. Cities: Skylines er enormt og har næsten alt hvad man kan forestille sig, og via. Steam Workshop kan man hente en masse mods og evt. de ting som man føler at man mangler.
Jeg havde gået og tænkt på at købe simcity, men da jeg så hørte om det her spil, og så hvor meget bedre det var, så valgte jeg at købe det her i stedet for.
Fantastisk spil!
Godt optimeret, massere af frihed og utallige tilføjelser og mods i steam workshop.
Devs har virkelig gjort et godt stykke arbejde
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