Destiny 2: The Final Shape + Annual Pass (PC) 99,99 €

4. June 2024

Be ready to play Destiny 2: The Final Shape + Annual Pass on release day! When you preorder, the payment will not be charged until the order has been delivered. Your product key will be sent on release day at the latest, but usually 1-2 days before.


今すぐ事前購入し、新たなエキゾチックフュージョンライフル「テッセレーション」、エキゾチックのゴーストシェル、エンブレム、そして感情表現を即座に解除しよう。  新規ストーリーミッション、新たなロケーション、新しい3つのスーパースキル、「最終形態」の迷宮の鍵、新エキゾチックフュージョンライフル「テッセレーション」の即時解除、各エピソード1つずつの秘蔵品、エキゾチックスパロー、そして「最終形態」の年のエピソード3つが収録されています。  ストーリーミッション  最終形態が迫りくる。悪夢のごとき現実が硬化し、目撃者の歪んだ計画と化す。トラベラーの中枢へと続く危険な旅に乗り出し、バンガードを結集して光と暗黒の戦争に終止符を打て。  新しいスーパースキル  目撃者を打ち倒すには計り知れない力が必要だ。アークハンター、ボイドタイタン、そしてソーラーウォーロック。新たなスーパースキルを会得して、忘却に立ち向かえ。  新しいロケーション  時間と空間を捻じ曲げる超常の大地を探索せよ。目撃者を追跡し、トラベラーの内部に眠る秘密を目にするのだ。

Minimum 105 GB available hard drive storage space required as of November 10, 2020. Storage requirements subject to increase. After November 10, 2020, see for current requirements prior to purchase. May require additional storage for set-up, features and updates, including to download mandatory in-game updates to continue playing. Users responsible for fees for broadband internet, which is required. Additional charges may apply for online content and features Destiny 2 may contain flashing patterns and images that may produce adverse effects for a small percentage of people sensitive to them. Using the software constitutes acceptance of the Destiny Software License Agreement at Bungie may modify or discontinue online services without notice at any time. © 2023 Bungie, Inc. All rights reserved. Destiny, the Destiny Logo, Bungie and the Bungie Logo are among the trademarks of Bungie, Inc.


How does it work? Will I receive Destiny 2: The Final Shape + Annual Pass as a physical copy?

No, you will receive Destiny 2: The Final Shape + Annual Pass product key (Destiny 2: The Final Shape + Annual Pass CD Key), that you will receive by e-mail. Afterwards, you will need to use the Steam-platform to redeem your Destiny 2: The Final Shape + Annual Pass product key (Destiny 2: The Final Shape + Annual Pass CD Key), and you'll be ready to download, install and play Destiny 2: The Final Shape + Annual Pass. You will receive a step-by-step guide on how to do this along with your purchase. It's easy as can be!

What does Destiny 2: The Final Shape + Annual Pass - Pre Order contain? Will I receive the same content as on Steam? You will receive the standard edition of Destiny 2: The Final Shape + Annual Pass - Pre Order as a digital download for Steam.

Genre Action
Publisher Bungie
Platform PC
Sprog Koreansk
Multiplayer Ja
Release date 04-06-2024
System requirements Minimum Requirements
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows® 7 / Windows® 8.1 / Windows® 10 64-bit (latest Service Pack) Processor: Intel® Core™ i3 3250 3.5 GHz or Intel Pentium G4560 3.5 GHz / AMD FX-4350 4.2 GHz Memory: 6 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 660 2GB or GTX 1050 2GB / AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB Network: Broadband Internet connection Storage: 105 GB avail
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