Verdun (PC/MAC) 9,29 €
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Verdun is the first multiplayer FPS set in a realistic First World War setting. The merciless trench warfare offers a unique battlefield experience, immersing you and your squad into intense battles of attack and defense. 
The game takes place on the western front between 1914 and 1918, in one of the bloodiest conflicts in world history. The developers were inspired by the infamous Battle of Verdun France in 1916. The game includes many historically accurate features such as realistic WW1 weaponry, authentic uniforms and maps based on the real battlefields of France and Belgium. 

The Frontlines game mode is unique in its tactical complexity. The realistic trenches are challenging to fight in and require tactical cunning to capture and defend. The Entente and Central Powers strive to gain control of frontline sectors. One battle you’re rushing the enemy trenches during an offensive battle in order to gain ground. In another battle you might be defending your recently conquered ground against an enemy counter-attack. 

Players can choose to be part of one of the many squad-types in the game, each of whom have their own distinct tactical role. By working together with your friends, you can earn experience that improves the power and versatility of your squad. As you gain more experience fighting and get promoted in rank, you also earn Career Points which you can use to unlock specializations, weapons and equipment. 
The Rifle Deathmatch is a free-for-all game mode, where all players are pitted against each other in a thrilling contest of skill using only bolt-action rifles. 

Verdun key features include: 
•Realistic World War 1 gameplay: Authentic weaponry with realistic bullet physics, skill based weapon handling, poisonous gas with a claustrophobic gas mask experience and artillery barrages 
•Tactical squad-based FPS: Unique squad leveling system, distinct squad types and roles, voice chat 
•True trench warfare: Real-time dynamic frontline with momentum-based attack and counter-attack gameplay 
•Authentic World War 1 setting: Typical WW1 music and style, historical battlefields set on the Western Front 
•Challenging game modes: Team-based Frontline and skill-based Rifle Deathmatch 

How does it work? Will I receive Verdun as a physical copy?

No, you will receive Verdun product key (Verdun CD Key), that you will receive by e-mail. Afterwards, you will need to use the Steam-platform to redeem your Verdun product key (Verdun CD Key), and you'll be ready to download, install and play Verdun. You will receive a step-by-step guide on how to do this along with your purchase. It's easy as can be!

Hvad indeholder Verdun? Får jeg samme indhold som hos Steam?

Du får standard-udgaven af Verdun.

Publisher Blackmill Games M2H
Platform PC/MAC
Multiplayer Ja
System requirements MINIMUM: 
OS: Windows Vista/7/8 
Processor: Intel Core2 Duo 2.4Ghz or Higher / AMD 3Ghz or Higher 
Memory: 3 GB RAM 
Graphics: Nvidia 8600 / Radeon equivalent (2009 era) 
DirectX: Version 9.0c 
Network: Broadband Internet connection 
Hard Drive: 12 GB available space 
Additional Notes: Multiplayer only, make sure you have a stable and fast in
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Average customer rating:
Reviewed by: Marcus Lausten Christensen at 2016-06-13

Dette er et meget fedt spil. Dog er det en smule dårligt, hvis du spiller en af de mindre populære gamemodes, såsom DM. Jeg oplever ofte at vi kun er omkring 4 på hvert hold, hvilket gør spillet en smule mindre sjovt.

Reviewed by: Lasse Larsen at 2015-06-01

Rigtigt fedt og realistisk spil fra 1 verdens krig , flot grafik og fedt gameplay , med pigtråd og skyttegrave hvor fjenden kan lurer lige om hjørnet!
Køb spillet :)

Reviewed by: Marcus Sørensen at 2015-05-23

Verdun er i dén grad første verdenskrig.
Der er i dette spil ingen kære mor, i form af avancerede Red-Dot sights, lyddæmper, 8x scopes, eller nogetsomhelst andet for dén sags skyld.
Du har valget imellem enten en riffel, eller en pistol, afhængig af hvilken rolle du ønsker at tage i dit squad.

Herfra gælder det ellers om at kæmpe sig fra den ene ende af ingenmandsland, til den anden, med skuddende susende om ørerne på dig, mortér-granater i alle tænkelige retninger, og selvfølgelig den ikoniske senneps-gas, som du kan kæmpe dig igennem ved brug af gasmasken, som nedsætter din perifere synsvinkel.

Dette spil rammer historisk plet, da alt, lige fra våbenets udseende, til lyden, og landskabet er genskabt til perfektion!

Spillet hiver uden tvivl 4/5 hjem, da det jo som beskrevet ER meget brutalt at blive kastet ud i skyttegravene uden at vide hvordan man bør forholde sig i de forskellige situationer.

Spillet er absolut bedst når man sidder med et par af sine kammerater, og ellers fordyber sig i taktikken mens man forsøger at kæmpe sig vej gennem kugleregnen.
