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FINAL FANTASY® XIV: A Realm Reborn™ is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) for Windows® PC, PlayStation®3 and PlayStation®4 that invites you to explore the realm of Eorzea with friends from around the world. Form a party and adventure with a multitude of players from across the globe. Forge friendships, mount chocobos, and board airships as you and your companions create your own unique stories in Eorzea. Set out alone or enlist the aid of friends as you undertake epic quests, battle familiar FINAL FANTASY monsters, and acquire unique abilities and equipment. All the classic elements from the series that you have come to know and love are waiting! Embark on the adventure of a lifetime to help reforge the fate of Eorzea on PC or PS3.
The previously sealed gates to Ishgard open to the inhabitants of Eorzea as the Dragonsong War worsens. This bloody thousand-year conflict between the dragoons of Ishgard and the sentient dragons of Dravania seeks the support of new adventurers to bring an end to the struggle. Heavensward will expand the playable area of the game into additional parts of Eorzea, beyond the Coerthas Central Highlands and in to the skies above the Sea of Clouds and the floating landmasses therein.
Hur fungerar det? Får jag Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward Bundle som en fysisk kopia?
Nej, du får Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward Bundle produktnyckel (Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward Bundle CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Square Enix-plattformen för att lösa in dina Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward Bundle produktnyckel (Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward Bundle CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward Bundle. Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!
Hvad indeholder Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward Bundle? Får jeg samme indhold som hos Square Enix?
Du får standard-udgaven af Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward Bundle som digital download til Square Enix.
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