Darksburg (PC) 14,10 €

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Darksburg is a cooperative survival action game where you must team up to survive against the hordes of Infected that have decided to settle down in the quaint little town of Darksburg.

Assume the role of one of the heroic Survivors or (If you’re feeling particularly nefarious) join the ranks of the devious Revenants, each with their own unique skills and personalities, and master their abilities in an over-the-top struggle against overwhelming odds!

Choose Your Side

The streets of Darksburg await you… Team up with an audacious band of survivors and overcome the hordes of infected that plague the town in Survival mode or turn your back on humanity, join the Revenants grotesque ranks and thwart the survivors in PvP!

Your choice, we don’t judge.

The Survivors

As the old saying goes, “Keep your friends close, and your enemies as far away as possible because they’re zombies, and they want to eat you.” Or maybe it’s just these guys that say that? Anyway... Meet the Survivors!

An unconventional alliance consisting of a nun, gourmet, bounty hunter (and her chipmunk) and a wolfman, who together must make their way through the streets of Darksburg and achieve the almost insurmountable task of navigating this wretched town unscathed.

Each with unique abilities and movesets, they will have to work together if they are to make it out of Darksburg in one piece.

The Revenants

What’s the point of having a group of heroes without a few larger than life villains to oppose them? Enter, The Revenants. These formerly notorious inhabitants of Darksburg succumbed to the infection shortly after the outbreak with... interesting results.

Far more dangerous than your average zombie, each of these grotesque malformations will use every underhanded technique they’ve honed since their transformation to separate and stop the survivors at all costs.

Explore Various Areas

With its rustic charm, gothic architecture, meandering streets and deep and vibrant history, this town was once a pretty appealing destination for many.

But tourism’s dropped off a bit lately, probably because some cool buildings and scenic views don’t make up for the townsfolk’s occasional tendency of trying to eat your brains...


Darksburg is not a very big town, but its harbour is one of the livelier ones in the Dreadmire county. Well, at least it used to be. With all the undead folk stumbling around now, to describe it as “lively” would be disingenuous.


Formerly scenic and zombie-free, the faubourg is the quiet, wheat covered rural area that separates Darksburg from the Monastery. If zombies ate wheat, this whole situation would be a lot more manageable.


Ah, Darksburg’s marketplace... the hustle and bustle, the merchants’ outcry, the zombies lumbering between stalls full of rotten food… That last bit’s a recent development.



Who isn’t a fan of the tried and true ‘play as the good guys' formula? Well, that’s what PvE is all about! Join the Survivors in their fight against the devious Revenants and the zombie horde that have taken over the town as you complete objectives and do everything you can to ensure your continued survival.


Is humanity overrated? Does destroying the hopes and dreams of innocent Survivors have a certain allure? Do you have a seething hatred for chipmunks? Well this mode’s for you! Take control of the Revenants and utilise their arsenal of malevolent abilities to foil those pesky Survivors so you can get back to an uninterrupted life of doing whatever superpowered zombies do.


We missed a trick by not calling this Zombie horde mode, but I digress... Choose your Survivor and try your best to withstand an overwhelming onslaught of Zombies and Revenants in the gruelling Last Stand mode!


How did this outbreak start? Where are all these zombies coming from? Why do I feel such a deep sense of satisfaction killing them when the braziers are lit? Who keeps opening these gates to let more in? Is this a game to them?!

These are the questions you’ll be asking as you fend off progressively challenging waves of the undead and revenants in an attempt to maintain sanity and survive this very impractical situation.


One quick and simple way to taint your fresh water supply is to add a few kilos of undead corpses, that’s a fact.

Therefore, it is your job to not only overcome 20 increasingly difficult waves of the oncoming undead horde, but also to stop them from hurling themselves down the Farmlands well. Because for some inexplicable reason they seem to like doing that.


But hey, don’t let that fact that zombie attack rates are at an all time high discourage you, Darksburg still has an awful lot going for it! So why not stop by for a visit?


Hur fungerar det? Får jag Darksburg som en fysisk kopia?

Nej, du får Darksburg produktnyckel (Darksburg CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Steam-plattformen för att lösa in dina Darksburg produktnyckel (Darksburg CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela Darksburg. Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!

Hvad indeholder Darksburg? Får jeg samme indhold som hos Steam?

Du får standard-udgaven af Darksburg som digital download til Steam.

Publisher Shiro Games
Platform PC
Sprog Engelsk
Releasedag 12-02-2020
Systemkrav MINIMUM:
OS: Windows 10
Processor: Intel 2.0ghz Core 2 Duo or equivalent
Minne: 2 GB RAM
Grafik: GeForce GTX 690
DirectX: Version 10
Nätverk: Bredbandsanslutning
Lagring: 2 GB ledigt utrymme

OS: Windows 10
Processor: Intel i5 3.1 Ghz Quad core
Minne: 4 GB RAM
Grafik: GeForce GTX 950
DirectX: Version 10
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