The Ultimate Edition includes:
Awaken the blade within you and reverse your fate in BLEACH Rebirth of Souls! Engage in thrilling battles with powerful sword abilities and characters from this legendary anime franchise.
Choose your favorite character and unleash their unique sword abilities! Take advantage of each character's unique abilities and command the flow of battle to find an opening that spells defeat for your enemies.
In BLEACH Rebirth of Souls, a single strike can spell defeat for your opponent. Change the situation dramatically with the swing of your blade!
The more desperate the situation, the more powerful you become. Overturn the tide of battle and unlock new forms and new blades in the heat of battle to bring victory from the edge of defeat!
Relive the main story of BLEACH from Ichigo's rise as a Soul Reaper in the Substitute Soul Reaper Arc to the climactic battle against Sosuke Aizen in the Arrancar Arc. Unlock deeper insights into the characters of BLEACH with Secret Story mode, revealing the moments that shaped their personalities.
*There are also Standard Edition and Deluxe Edition products available. Please be careful not to purchase the same content twice.
*The DLC included in Season Pass will be available by 03/21/2026.
©Tite Kubo/Shueisha, TV TOKYO, dentsu, Pierrot
©Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.
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Nej, du får BLEACH Rebirth of Souls Ultimate Edition produktnyckel (BLEACH Rebirth of Souls Ultimate Edition CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Steam-plattformen för att lösa in dina BLEACH Rebirth of Souls Ultimate Edition produktnyckel (BLEACH Rebirth of Souls Ultimate Edition CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela BLEACH Rebirth of Souls Ultimate Edition. Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!
Awaken the blade within you and reverse your fate in BLEACH Rebirth of Souls! Engage in thrilling battles with powerful sword abilities and characters from this legendary anime franchise.
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