Joni Evers lives alone in the Cunningham House, an old, secluded mansion in Harvest, Oklahoma. She is estranged from her family, and finds the solitude pleasant - until trouble follows her home. A sudden fight with her only friend sets in motion strange events that engulf the old house and shatter the peace of small-town America.
Step into her shoes and explore the massive mansion, experiencing an emotional tale of a broken family. Delve into the dark, forgotten corners of the mansion, uncover the secrets of Joni’s family, and break the mystical snare in time.
Explore the Cunningham House — This vast, old, family home is full of hidden secrets and family histories. Find them to discover what drove Joni and her family apart - and perhaps you may bring them together again.
Face the Inexplicable — There’s something off. A strange energy in the air. Maybe it’s something harmless. Maybe it’s not. Maybe Joni can use it to her advantage. Or maybe someone, somewhere, is using it against her...
Unravel the Mystery — What truly haunts Joni Evers? Is it the force that occupies the mansion? Or are they regrets and sorrows of the past? Perhaps both? Find out the truth as you delve deeper into the past, exploring Joni’s memories.
Experience a Personal Story — What will stay with you, once you solve the mystery, once Joni reaches the end of her story? What questions will you ask of her? What will you ask of yourself?
Fully Voice Acted — Joni Evers is brought to life by Kelly Pekar, a celebrated stage and voice actress, described as a “singular presence” for her role in the 2023 Baskerville.
Original Soundtrack — Pekar’s performance is backed by a soundtrack composed by Gustavo Coutinho, known for his previous work on PAYDAY 3 and Reaching for Petals.
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The Haunting of Joni Evers is an emotional tale of a broken family from small-town Oklahoma, driven apart by a malevolent haunting. Uncover the mysteries of Joni’s family and the Cunningham House, digging through memories, facing the family’s past to break the curse.
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