Kräver grundspelet Hearts of Iron IV på Steam för att kunna använda Country Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Graveyard of Empires.
Kräver grundspelet Hearts of Iron IV på Steam för att kunna använda Country Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Graveyard of Empires.
Navigate the difficult channel between nationalist dreams and imperial oppression in Graveyard of Empires, a new country pack for Paradox Interactive’s popular grand strategy wargame. Resist the demands of foreign great powers and claim your own place on the world stage, engaging in diplomacy and warfare to lead a great national rebirth in the vast lands between the Euphrates and the Gulf of Bengal. Will you restore ancient empires, create your own dominion over the region or join one of the global superpowers in their struggle for world supremacy?
This country pack adds new National Focus trees for key actors in West, Central and South Asia, with a focus on regional resistance to European domination of the region.
Graveyard of Empires includes new content for:
Iran: Iran is a potential great power, hemmed in by the pressure of the Soviet Union and the British Empire. A significant new Focus Tree allows the player to resist the imperial incursions that historically weakened Iran, as well as offering potential for a revived and modern Persian Empire in the heart of Asia.
India: The Raj is the jewel of the British Empire, rich and strategically vital. However, a growing independence movement threatens to disrupt the war effort and dissolve the empire. A large focus tree focused on the struggle of Indian Independence offers many alternate historical paths, including the revival of the East India Company as a corporate nation, as well as the possible freedom of the Princely States, restoration of the Mughal Empire and more.
Iraq: Take control of this British client state and try to chart your own path, embracing the calls for pan-arab nationalism and siding with the axis against the allies. Manage the many competing ethnic and religious factions in Iraq and develop the strategically important oil fields.
Afghanistan: The historic Graveyard of Empires, isolated from the wider war, offers many alternate paths. Continue the historical path of neutrality and isolation, or choose the road of rapid industrialization and building a new power in the mountains of Central Asia.
Additionally, Graveyard of Empires Country Pack includes:
A wide collection of new art for listed countries
Portraits for country leaders in the region
Unique 3D models for infantry
New 3D models for vehicles in each country
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Determine the fate of the major nations of Central and South Asia in Graveyard of Empires, a new country pack for Hearts of Iron IV. New national focus trees and events for Iran, India, Iraq and Afghanistan will help you chart a new course for history.
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