Kräver grundspelet Panzer Corps 2 på Steam för att kunna använda Panzer Corps 2: Frontlines - Cyrenaica.
Kräver grundspelet Panzer Corps 2 på Steam för att kunna använda Panzer Corps 2: Frontlines - Cyrenaica.
Experience the crucial North African Campaign like never before in Panzer Corps 2 Frontlines: Cyrenaica. Covering the battles of Operation E and Operation Compass, this DLC immerses you in the iconic struggles for control over Cyrenaica. Lead both the Italian and British forces in two expansive campaigns that bring the desert theater to life with unique units, innovative mechanics, and immersive desert warfare.
Command both sides of the conflict with two distinct campaigns. Relive the Italians’ illusion of glory and their chaotic retreat, or lead the British forces in one of the most brilliantly executed counteroffensives in history. Each scenario is playable from both perspectives, offering twice the content and endless strategic variety.
MASTER THE DESERT BATTLEFIELD Battle through Cyrenaica’s harsh deserts under the intense conditions of sandstorms and scorching heat. Navigate unforgiving terrain, manage your supplies carefully, and utilize your surroundings to outmaneuver the enemy.
Deploy new, historically accurate units such as the Italian Moto Guzzi TriAlce motorcycle and British Gloster Gladiator biplane. Use the unique abilities of real-life generals to overcome challenges and tilt the scales of war in your favor.
Manage diminishing core slots as campaigns progress, making every unit placement count. Engage in diverse missions, complete bonus objectives, and experience the ripple effects of your decisions across scenarios.
With the AI that tends to adapt to your performances and dynamic missions, the gameplay remains fresh and challenging.
Prepare for a tactical journey into the heart of the North African Campaign, where every decision shapes the outcome of Panzer Corps 2 Frontlines - Cyrenaica.
Two Campaigns in One: Play as both Italian and British forces across two unique campaigns.
New Italian Units: Deploy the Moto Guzzi TriAlce, Ascari del Cielo paratroopers, and versatile 65/17 M13 artillery.
New British Units: Command iconic units such as the Gloster Gladiator biplane and Rolls-Royce Armored Car.
Dynamic Gameplay: Conquer, defend, hold, and escape through missions with diverse objectives and mechanics.
Desert Sandstorms: Adapt to challenging weather conditions that alter tactics and visibility.
Core Slot Reduction: Manage dwindling unit slots for increased tension and strategic depth.
Hero-Based Gameplay: Leverage the skills of historical generals to turn the tide of battle.
Bonus Missions: Escape with key units, recover lost soldiers, or destroy supply depots for unique rewards.
Scenario Consequences: Actions in one mission carry over to the next, impacting rewards and opportunities.
Multiple Factions: Command forces from the British, Free French, Indian, and Australian armies.
Italian Forces (IT)
Moto Guzzi TriAlce: A versatile motorcycle designed for quick maneuvers.
M11/39: A reliable medium tank with a distinctive silhouette.
M13/40: An improved medium tank known for its mobility and firepower.
Ascari del Cielo (Black Devils): Elite paratroopers recognized for their bravery and skill.
Fiat CR.42 Falco: A nimble biplane fighter that saw extensive action in the desert.
British Forces (GB)
Morris CS9: A well-armored scout car, perfect for reconnaissance missions.
RR Armored Car: A robust vehicle designed for both mobility and firepower.
Matilda II: A heavily armored infantry tank, renowned for its resilience.
Cruiser Tanks (MKI - MKII - MKIII - MKIV): A series of fast and agile tanks, each improving on its predecessor.
Gloster Gladiator: A legendary biplane that exemplifies British aerial prowess.
Italian Campaign
Invading Egypt
Halfaya pass
Road To Sidi Barrani
Hunt in Bir Rabia
The defense of Sidi Barrani
Bardia stands
Battle of Tobruch
Interception at Mechili
Wadi Derna
Retreat to Bengasi
Pushing to Beda Fomm
Giarabub oasis
British Forces Campaign
Holding Halfaya
Retreat To Sidi Barrani
Bir Rabia
Battle of the camps
Battle of Bardia
Capture of Tobruk
Action at Mechili
Passing Derna
Pursuit to Benghazi
Battle of Beda Fomm
Siege of Giarabub
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Experience the crucial North African Campaign like never before in Panzer Corps 2 Frontlines: Cyrenaica. Covering the battles of Operation E and Operation Compass, this DLC immerses you in the iconic struggles for control over Cyrenaica.
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