Europe is on its knees. Deadly Axis Mechs patrol the landscape, intimidating the populace and flushing out rebels. Survivors are few, but have regrouped under the new flag of The Resistance.
You are the free world’s last hope. Your deadly mission; deliver a devastating EMP weapon into heart of enemy territory to turn the tide of the war.
Deploy your Mech Squad and command them in real time to fend off waves of enemies. Each new battlefield presents a new challenge with unique combinations of adversaries and terrain. Think fast to use higher ground and cover, exploit enemy weaknesses, and utilise tactical advantages to withstand the assault, while defending your Command Vehicle.
Your tactics may be sound, but if you reach the end of your run, you’ll need to make one last stand against a menacing Axis General. These end of Region boss battles will have you facing overwhelming odds, wave upon wave of elite enemies, new hazards, and Kaiju-sized Boss Mechs.
If your Command Vehicle is destroyed, your Mission is over. Regroup at the Resistance Base, rebuild and upgrade your squad, and redeploy!
The Scrap and Valor you earn in the field can be used to upgrade Mechs and level up Pilot abilities. But prepare for the unexpected; the battlefields, enemies you face, and any rewards you receive, will never be the same twice.
Take a stand, liberate Europe and free the world. Make this your finest hour!
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Nej, du får Grit and Valor 1949 produktnyckel (Grit and Valor 1949 CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Steam-plattformen för att lösa in dina Grit and Valor 1949 produktnyckel (Grit and Valor 1949 CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela Grit and Valor 1949. Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!
A dieselpunk real-time tactics roguelite set in an alt-history World War 2. Grit and Valor – 1949 puts you in command of an elite Mech Squadron. Think fast and battle the Evil Axis forces to liberate Europe. Upgrade your Mechs and Pilots and develop new strategies to neutralise the enemy HQ!
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