Releasedag : Onsdag 09 apr, 2025 - 9 dagar kvar
9. april 2025
Var redo att spela Commandos: Origins - Deluxe Edition på dagen! När du förbeställer betalningen inte debiteras förrän ordern har levererats. Din produktnyckel skickas senast dagen för utgivande, men oftast 1-2 dagar innan.
Commandos: Origins – Deluxe Edition delivers a unique experience for fans of the series, delving into the rich history of Commandos, a genre-defining series for the real-time tactics space, and adding some extraordinary goodies along the way.
ALARM! You have been selected for a mission which will shape the fate of the entire world. Witness the very beginning of the legendary elite WWII force in Commandos: Origins. The long-awaited sequel to the Commandos series brings you right back to the foundation of the real-time tactics genre. And to the days where Jack O’Hara, the Green Beret, and his five companions met to form the infamous unit sent to complete missions which no others would dare to accept.
In the hushed shadows of history’s most pivotal moments, where heroes are born and legends are forged, a new chapter awaits. Whether it is a daring raid, a covert sabotage, or a courageous rescue mission – the Green Beret, the Sapper, the Sniper, the Driver, the Marine and the Spy will need to combine their skills to meet the most challenging tasks. Your mission can only be achieved through well-thought planning and the smart combination of stealth and destruction that come with the unique skillsets of this elite troop.
From the icy plains of the Arctic to the vast deserts of Africa, from the western coastlines of Europe to the Eastern front, it’s up to you to lead your commandos to success in high-risk missions. Guide them in their fight against the growing Nazi occupation which is menacing the free world.
Legal Information
Commandos: Origins © 2025 Kalypso Media Group GmbH. Developed by Claymore Game Studios. Published by Kalypso Media Group GmbH. Commandos: Origins is a trademark of Kalypso Media Group GmbH. All rights reserved. All other logos, copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective owner.
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Nej, du får Commandos: Origins - Deluxe Edition produktnyckel (Commandos: Origins - Deluxe Edition CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Steam-plattformen för att lösa in dina Commandos: Origins - Deluxe Edition produktnyckel (Commandos: Origins - Deluxe Edition CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela Commandos: Origins - Deluxe Edition. Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!
Commandos: Origins – Deluxe Edition delivers a unique experience for fans of the series, delving into the rich history of Commandos, a genre-defining series for the real-time tactics space, and adding some extraordinary goodies along the way.
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När du har loggat in i Steam ska du välja fliken "Spel" i det översta fältet där du kan hitta "Spel" mellan "Vänner" och "Hjälp". En meny visas där du ska välja "Aktivera en produkt på Steam". Följ instruktionerna som visas och ange din produktnyckel när Steam ber om det. Produkten anknyts nu till ditt konto och är redo att laddas ner.