22. maj 2025
Vær klar til at spille Blades of Fire på dagen! Ved forudbestilling bliver beløbet først trukket ved levering. Din CD key (produktnøgle) bliver sendt på udgivelsesdatoen eller 1-2 dage før!
Pre-order Blades of Fire to receive the Adventurer Pack including:
From the award-winning studio MercurySteam, comes a new action-adventure where you forge your own weapons and face fierce enemies in a unique combat system.
Join Aran de Lira on his journey to find the real purpose of his fate!
THE DIVINE METAL: You are Aran de Lira, firstborn of the King’s Ward. The newly crowned Queen Nerea has cast a spell that turns steel into stone. Only her army of abominations wield the divine metal against which other blades shatter.
WEAPON RPG: Find Forge Scrolls, develop your forging skills and craft your weapon to suit your fighting style. The chosen weapon family and the materials you create it from will affect characteristics such as weight, length, durability, penetration and edge quality.
CHOOSE YOUR WEAPON: Choose between seven different weapon families and over 30 unique Forge Scrolls, which allow almost infinite weapon combinations. Your choice of weapon will be crucial when facing your enemy!
TACTICAL COMBAT: A unique and challenging combat system which allows you to attack specific body parts of the enemy. Slash, stab or bludgeon enemies depending on the situation and what the enemy is equipped with. Only the right weapon will allow you to overcome the enemy’s armour.
YOU ARE NOT ALONE: Adso is Aran’s companion who will join him on his journey. During combat, Adso gives helpful tips how to defeat enemies by analysing them and taking notes in his chronicles. He will be crucial on your adventure, as he speaks the ancient forger language.
BE ON GUARD: Over 50 enemy types, including the Queen’s guards, creatures, undead and more. Each enemy has its own unique attack style, weapon, and armour setup.
A WORLD FULL OF MYSTERY: Aran and Adso embark on an uncertain mission. The objective is clear, but the path is full of dangers, mysteries and epic settings such as huge castles, maze-like palaces and more. You will know only what our heroes know, your intuition and courage must fill in the rest.
Legal Information
©2025 MSE&DB. Created & developed by Mercury Steam Entertainment S.L. Published by 505 Games. The Blades of Fire name and logo are trademarks of MSE & DB S.L. The Mercury Steam Entertainment S.L. name and logo are trademarks of Mercury Steam Entertainment S.L. The 505 Games name and logo are trademarks of 505 Games SpA and may be registered trademarks in certain countries. All rights reserved.
Hvordan virker det? Modtager jeg Blades of Fire fysisk?
Nej, du modtager en Blades of Fire produktnøgle (Blades of Fire CD Key), som du modtager via e-mail. Du skal derefter bruge Steam-platformen til at indløse din Blades of Fire produktnøgle (Blades of Fire CD Key), og du er derefter klar til downloade, installere og spille Blades of Fire. Ved køb af spillet, modtager du samtidig en vejledning til hvordan dette gøres, hvis du skulle være i tvivl. Så bliver det ikke nemmere!
From the award-winning studio MercurySteam, comes a new action-adventure where you forge your own weapons and face fierce enemies in a unique combat system.
Join Aran de Lira on his journey to find the real purpose of his fate!
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Hent og installér Steam her ved at klikke på den grønne knap der hedder "Installér Steam". Dette vil downloade et program til at installere Steam på din computer. Kør dette program, og følg dets vejledning til at installere Steam.
Når Steam er installeret, og du starter det op for første gang, vil du blive bedt om at oprette en Steam-konto, eller logge ind på en eksisterende Steam-konto. Vær opmærksom på, at alle produktnøgler du indløser bliver bundet til en konto, og kan ikke bruges igen, så det er vigtigt at du husker login-informationen til denne konto!
Når du er logget ind i Steam, vælger du fanen "Spil" i den helst øverste bjælke, hvor "Spil" kan findes mellem "Venner" og "Hjælp". Der vil komme en menu frem, hvor du skal vælge punktet "Aktivér et produkt på Steam". Følg vejledningen der kommer frem, og indtast din produktnøgle, når Steam beder om den. Produktet vil nu være tilføjet til din konto, og er klar til at blive hentet.